I often face the question that what to do when my Internet is extremely slow. Having the similar problem? 

Friends, what do you do when there is no internet in your apartment or it is extremely slow?


I heard someone saying, “I call Internet Provider to look into the issue”.

That is obvious, but friends, have you ever been in a situation when your mind was with full of creative thoughts and you desperately wanted to write your blog on online content creator, or the thought of attending some online webinar occupied your whole day in the office and after reaching home when you prepared yourself to relieve the idea boiling since morning, there was no internet network or the signals reaching you with tortoise as a vehicle. Sometimes you were in the middle of an online training session and suddenly the internet became too slow and you went offline.

I have been in this situation many times.It will be surprising to many people that in the age of 5G communication, many developing countries often face this situation when the strength of Internet signal is very weak. Especially the far off remote country places and hilly areas face this problem too much. So what you do at that time?


Until few weeks ago the slow internet was a frustrating moment for me and all the excitement of going through a new online training session took backstage when suddenly there was no internet or the circle at the Centre of my laptop screen keeps on rotating to an endless moment. Yuck…

Then one day in a very frustrating mood, some Ideas clicked me. The more I focused on these ideas the easier it became to splash my creative mind with numerous thoughts on how to cater this situation. From that day onward, I have never felt low during the ‘Slow-Internet’ moments.


Friends, I would love to share with you the eleven very important tasks which you can do when you are offline or waiting for the internet signal to come back. These tasks may require a little homework beforehand when you’re online but it will be very fruitful at the time of slow internet or no signal. In fact, you will love your accomplishments achieved out of this blue and you will start your work with more enthusiasm once the internet is back to kick your ass. Over a period you may increase many points in this list as per your requirements. So without further ado, I will share my list of 11 tasks you can perform during slow internet signal in your home:

  1. When you are online, download few training chapters in PDF, and go through them when you are offline. You can even revise few of the important points marked earlier.
  2. Read the success stories which you have downloaded earlier. This is my favorite task. I not only bookmark a success story on online business entrepreneurship but also save the page in PDF. It is very motivating to read them when you are boiling up to do something but the surrounding situation are not in sync with your energy level. I take the slow internet for few minutes as a catalyst to raise my vibrations through jumping into the life of already successful people in my field.
  3. Plan for the activities which you are going to do in next 7 days. Usually I compile all the notes on my mobile app during this period into my diary, so I can use them while writing new content for my blog on Earn Money and Motivation.
  4. Do the brainstorming to create the magnet points which you wish to implement in your content.
  5. Have a glance on your desktop and arrange the scattered files into appropriate folders. This is a boring and long pending job, but very essential to speed up your laptop screen. Moreover, we never have time during fixed office hours to complete this essential activity.
  6. You might be having few E-books downloaded earlier. Select one and start reading. I like to listen audio books and have a huge stock of motivational and success biographies on audio books. Even 15 minutes of listening an audio-book will boost your mood to a new level.
  7. Go out for a small walk and have a cup of coffee or visit your kitchen to munch something healthy for the creative thinking. Some people really get motivated after eating their favorite snacks.
  8. You have already written many contents and still not published on your blog. They are simply lying in your business folder – waiting for the review. Open that final collection – check them for necessary corrections. Some important editing might be required as per the current time to turn your article into a visitor magnet. The final review may also spark few points which you forgot to include in your blog.
  9. I always have a list of my friends and business Associates to whom I could not make call since a long time. I use this offline time to communicate with them. Make that long awaited call to your loved one NOW and do not procrastinate further. For me the offline time is the bonding time.
  10. That overly neglected poor magazine on your study table also needs some attention. You have not sent it for scrap due to some important information you observed on the cover. The offline time reminds me to take notes from that particular article so I can use the facts in my next blog.
  11. Listen to that 15 minutes guided meditation you saved one year back but never turned on. Maybe these 15 minutes are the magic to refresh your mind as well as the slow internet.
  12. And the list continues……


Everybody has a limited time of 24 hours in a day. Out of these twenty-four hours, maximum time is spent on the regular activities like daily mesh-ups, having food three times a day, routine day to day activities and long office / business hours or the household stuff and sleeping for six to seven hours.

There is very little time left to develop our online business or complete that important training which can bring us the fortune. It is believed that the investment of consistent three hours a day on your online business or the training modules is very important for your targeted success. The consistent effort has the ability to change your financial blueprint. These three productive hours should never be wasted in front of Idiot Box (I call to my television), endless Netflix seasons or waiting due to slow internet hours.

If you go through the success stories of online business entrepreneurs you will find one thing common in every one of them. They utilized these three productive hours to their maximum potential. You can check my No-1 Recommendation to the learning platform which will help you to earn that extra income you always wished to fulfill your requirements.

I would love to listen on what you do when you really want to do something online and suddenly the internet goes very slow or you become offline. Please share your comments below and spread the love.

To a more productive hour.

Warm regards

Gaurav Gaur


Gaurav Gaur


  1. Hi there! This is a great article indeed. I must say that I’ve also experienced those moments when I want to publish my written article and suddenly the internet strength becomes very weak. Believe me, it turns off my mood for everything. I found your article very important and I will be trying some of the tips you have provided here when I experience this situation again.
    Thanks for sharing this amazing piece of writing with us.

    • Hi Kokontala

      It was my pleasure that you found the tips useful.

      Slow internet is not the permanent feature but it hurts the momentum when you truly wish to complete the task.

      Hope that technology will find some solution in near future, till them we need to evolve our methods.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  2. Sometimes you have to wonder what is it that people used to do before the internet. We’ve become so over-reliant on it that an interruption causes our blood to boil! I’ve been there before. It usually goes down when you need it the most.

    It’s good you point out several different methods one can pass time when this happens. You get to remember you had books lying around untouched and get to rediscover the joys of reading. 

    Thanks for this, really informative.

    • Hi Steve

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing your comments !

      I am a book lover too and have many books awaiting for their turn. Now a days I find it very comfortable to listen books on the mobile app like Storytel. We can finish entire book in one or two hours of listening.

      I hope the slow internet will not stop our vibrations to rise. All the Best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  3. I never deal with slow internet, but I am from New York City so I guess that could be a reason. I have Verizon FIOS which operates over a fiber-optic network so it’s fast. I really enjoyed your article and I have been in situations where I am full of creative ideas, and then s**t happens. Sometimes things get in the way of your plans or ideas and then they are just gone. For that reason, I bought a pack of notepads so I can write down new ideas so I won’t forget. I have a few friends who I contact from time to time, we talk not just about business but we encourage each other and talk about interesting topics, so having the right people is a must. I also Pray in the mornings and do a form of meditation as well called the silent prayer. I really enjoyed reading your article. great tips!

    • Hi Emilio
      Thanks for going through the article and sharing your comments.
      It was nice to know that NYC does not have this issue and you can enjoy the speed of Internet to its full extent.
      I loved the concept of Silent prayer you perform every morning. Hope it helps you clear your mind and bring more exciting ideas.
      Wishing for the presence of right people into your life continues and you keep motivating.
      All the Best.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  4. Hi! Gaurav, Thank you for the tips you  shared to your readers including me because it gave lots of ideas how to be more productive offline. The #8 tip is what I usually do already offline. All the small ideas that just suddenly pop up in my mind, what I do is to write it quickly on my Folders and save it. Do not let it go away in your thoughts because it happens most of the time that and idea in your mind now, might be forgotten in few hours. Then, when you think you gathered a lot of infos already ,there you edit it and publish. A very good accomplishments when your internet is slow or down. Thank You! Best Regards!

    • Hi Shierly

      Thanks for going into the details of all the tips.

      Your action will give boost to lot of our readers and they can copy the same. 

      Basically it is not the time management but the management of Focus which separates a successful entrepreneur from the overcrowded people busy in the rat race. 

      All the best for your future plans and the success of your online business.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur 

  5. WoW! Thanks for providing amazing insights for the internet problem!
    I would also like to share what I do when my internet doesn’t work. I often go to terrace during such times and watch clouds, try to listen to the sounds of cool breeze and chirping birds. It helps me in attaining my peace of mind!

    Looking forward for more such amazing blogs!

    • Hi Namani
      Thanks for your kind words, they motivated me a lot.
      There are always two sides of a coin and it is our perspective to view the situation.
      The slow internet reminds me of the Bonding Time with friends and family members. Every call brings out some unique positivity.
      Your efforts to sync with the nature will definitely raise your vibes and bring the best out of you.
      See you soon with my new post ! Stay safe.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  6. Gaurav:
    What a great article on two levels for me. First, it gave me a better global perspective on Internet accessibility, bandwidth, and the challenges some people have just getting an internet signal. I live in Los Angeles and unless there is a blackout, we don’t have issues with the internet going down. And second, what I found most valuable, and inspiring in your article, was your advice in “11 Tasks to Turn the Table”.

    You explain you don’t wait for the bandwidth to come back, idly twiddling your thumbs. You understand the idea of not letting anything interfere with your intentions and goals to build your business. And you created a list of things to complete when waiting for faster bandwidth.  

    Gaurav, this is your Eureka Blueprint! on how to be successful; and thank you for sharing it with us. There is nothing 
    earth-shattering about your 11 suggestions, but it lists the tasks a person, or business needs to complete to grow and become successful. And the list is also a productive use of time when the internet is down. Your 11 Task to Turn the Table reminded me to focus on maintaining a positive attitude, plan the work and work the plan, always look to learn and improve your skill set, importance of being organized and physical exercise. Thanks for taking the time to post the article. It was motivational.

    • Hi Terryiching

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing your valuable comments. It was my pleasure that you liked the concept and went in details. Nice to know that there is no such issue as slow Internet in your part of continent. Sometimes I am really surprised to see the difference in technology though the world seems too small for such issues.

      I liked your concept that plan the work and work the plan. Truly speaking, I got a new concept to explore further and write my next article. Thanks friend.
      Please stay safe and keep motivating.

      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

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