Beating the Lock down blues

I am writing these lines when the world is facing deadly Coronavirus COVID 19 with 2.5 million people affected in 210 countries. My generation has never seen such a deadly epidemic in the last fifty years. We all are staying under willful Locked down as it is the only measure to slow it down. There is no escape to this virus except self-isolation and social distancing. So how to beat the LockDown blues.

We are watching TV Channels and reading Newspapers all day. They are flashing the scores of death rate, the increase in the number of positive new cases and increasing Red Zones around the world. The overwhelming negative atmosphere and coverage of the latest flashing have left a very little space for positive and motivating incidences.

I myself is under locked down with my family of two daughters and my wife. My parents are in the other part of the same city with my third daughter who is part of brave COVID 19 Research and Testing Team doing a great job for the society. We cannot meet due to strict locked down instructions by the government. I can feel how millions of families around the world are facing this challenge and staying under the same conditions or much worse than us.

Indeed, we are in a quite safe zone right now. Thanks to our good luck so far. We are fortunate enough that proper food supply, necessary daily items and salaries are still making a way to us but feel sorrow for the not fortunate enough people we see in the news.

My daughters are already facing the challenge of boredom. There was no much work to do at home and anxiety pressure was increasing day by day. So we decided quickly to find a way to beat the locked down blues. Until now, our plan is successful. So let us see what we are doing the whole day.


The very first thing was to decide on how to proceed ahead. It seems that the locked-down period is going to stay for quite long. Let us be practical and take the bull by the horn. We are considering to be in this situation for at least two months. As everyone agreed in the family, we divided the day into four parts, apart from our routine household work –

  • Morning Hours ( 0730 to 1330) – for Health, education & Office Time,
  • Afternoons Hrs ( 1330 to 1730) – for the Motivation and developing Hobbies,
  • Evenings Hours ( 1730 to 2130) – for learning & Stress Busters ,
  • Night Hours ( 2130 to 2330) – for Enjoyment & relaxation .

P.S – Though everyone is free to spend time as per their own wish, but if anyone is not able to decide what to do, then we shall follow this schedule collectively. It’s like staying in a spacecraft revolving the earth and obeying the SOP.


We agreed that our daily routine must include a mix of everything. Now we have plenty of time available at our disposal and these are no escape for excuses and procrastination. We sketched our SEVEN major activities as follows :

  • Physical activities to strengthen the body
  • Productive Activities – to earn and lead life
  • Mental activities for peace of mind and well being
  • Educational activities to learn new tasks
  • Recreational activities to make us happy
  • De-clutter activities to fill the house with positive energy
  • Volunteering Activities for the troubled in Disaster

PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES – To Strengthen the Body:


We made it compulsory to have a family workout for 10 to 20 minutes in the morning. My younger daughter who is thirteen years old is our trainer and she is really strict. She googles new workouts for us on the internet and insists on having variety in the steps so the fun element is never missed.

DANCE – We’re Afraid of:

Sometimes we do Zumba dance and some days there is no exercise but only fun jumping and hip-hopping. We never realized that dancing can be so relaxing for the body and mental peace. An awesome experience after each session. I strongly recommend that you try dance – let it be of any form or style. Even the vague steps will elevate your mood.


In the evening time we go for a small walk in our corridor. It includes 1000 steps brisk walk and 1000 steps easy walk after sunset. We also utilize this time to discuss what is to be cooked in the night.



As my company is a Solar Energy provider with most of the field operations are on halt, there is no much work to do like IT Companies. But still, our team is sincere about the office work.

I have designated my computer table in the bedroom as my office. I finish my daily morning activities and reach to the work station by 0930am. Even if my kids receive a call from the relatives, they say that papa has gone to office. I get full cooperation from my family not to get disturbed during office hours up to 1330pm.

During this period, I call to my team members, my boss and my vendors. It’s not a routine but this small communication helps us to stay with confidence.

During Office Hours, I check my Outlook mails, work on the planning of ongoing projects and also study the relevant books on the subject matter with the freedom to have few cups of coffee in between.


After office hours, whenever I am free I work for my part-time online business. I always wanted to work full time for my own online business, working from the comfort of my home and laptop, developing my websites. Though forced in the lockdown, this kind of freedom I always wished to happen.

I know these moments of freedom for thought will never come back so I am living with the time utilizing every moment with a fully positive mind frame.


Being a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate University – where I earn while I learn, I go through the lessons of Entrepreneurship Course, watch the videos and complete the required tasks. I create blogs, welcome to the new members, chat with the community, ask questions and give comments to other’s websites.

I understand that Wealthy Affiliate is not a get-rich-quick scheme and I need to give my 100% to become successful and earn a full-time passive income. My family is supporting me for this cause.

While I am working on developing an MMO website, my daughters are creating websites on Food Recipes and Digital Paintings & multimedia. Ultimately we all are happy.


MENTAL ACTIVITIES – for peace of mind and well being:


During first week of locked down, for the whole day, we were busy in front of the television watching non-stop news and news analysis & discussions. Soon we realized that excess of media coverage on COVID-19 is making us sick, mentally.

Let us not say it escapist’s way, but we decided to check prime time news only for 30 minutes in a day, with exception of Prime Minister’s address to the nation. Switch over to these 30 minutes news watching gave us a good dose of the current situation as well as enough time to do more important work in our to-do list.


Meditation is the best option we found for the mental health. We already practice meditation as our cultural routine so it was not a big deal. Nowadays there are many mobile apps and other guided meditations which can be selected as per individual’s preference.

We have rituals for morning & evening prayers and now we prefer to have the prayers with all family members. That’s really cool. Just 15 minutes of ritual twice a day gives us so much of peace and mental solace.

I recommend setting a small corner in the house designated for meditation where anybody can go and sit for a few minutes in a day with his eyes closed and doing nothing. Just focus on the movement of our breath and feel the energy flowing from our head to toes blissfully.


For this activity, we included every body’s choice and decided to do it collectively, or at least helping in one way or the other. Our list of stress busters included the following activities and the list is increasing day by day :

Watching Movies – the old classics, Top ten Oscar movies, all-time best movies, Harry Potter’s entire series, BBC Earth series, the classic Animations and much more.

Corridor Gardening (Pictures)– We have more than 50 plants in a series in our corridor and need to take care of them and water them daily. One of our neighbours is stuck in his home town due to lockdown and we water their plants too. So double activity.

TikTok Videos – These are the new craze among children and we all enjoy making short videos for TikTok. It’s so much fun and we end up spending a lot of time together – planning and acting.

Drawing & Painting – Everyone being the artist in the family, we really love to spend some part of the day sketching and colouring our canvas. My second daughters are a marvel in this activity and can spend hours on her canvas with oil colours or doing digital art on her laptop.

New recipes – This is the most happening part of our stress buster routine. My wife and our younger daughter spend a lot of time researching easy to make dishes which are simple in preparation high on nutrition. Ingredients must be from the stock of already available items on kitchen shelve. This learns and tries activity end in a great stress buster. I help in cutting the vegetables and our elder daughter assists in cleaning the mess and clicking random photos when we are busy with preparation.




As evening hours are set for learning and stress buster activities, it is very crucial period. I have purchased a lot of Udemy courses during Black Friday offer, New Year offer and many other occasions. Truly speaking, I have never started most of the offers due to lack of time and procrastination. Now is the correct time to go through these courses on learning Tips on Microsoft Excel, Advance tips on PowerPoint Presentations, How to work efficiently with Teams, Advance Astrology in Three parts, How to create online courses etc.

My younger daughter learns on new tips to Food recopies. She also started online learning of mathematics for her next class-bound to start post lockdown. She is planning to complete the basics so the academic session will be smooth.

We also try to learn about our great country and its rich culture along with the BBC Earth and National Geographic programs. Watching History Channel goes hand in hand with the great epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Chanakya soaps on national TV Channels.


RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES – To Make us Happy and be Social:


We try that there is participation of maximum family numbers in our day to day recreational activities. So we Play Chess, playing cards, board games, roof Badminton together. Type of games and frequency depends on everyone’s mood.


We have decided to call at least 04 of our relatives or friends every day. For this purpose, we have made a list of all our near and dear ones in the excel sheet. We tick their name after the call is completed. This way we have tracked of how many calls are completed. To our surprise, the list has become very long. It may take a month to make the repeat call. Now I feel privileged to have so many friends and relatives and pay my sincere gratitude to the almighty to make me so blessed. Just think of the last time you called to you Grandma or sharer that dirty joke with your intern buddy. Is your sister happy and safe in the other part of the world and hopefully staying safe. Just pick up the phone and call to that special someone.


Before COVID-19, life was so fast that we forgot to continue any of our hobbies. The list to pursue and research on hobbies of our family members is very long.


I remember how excited I was, whenever I saw a new stamp on the envelope. I used to go to my father’s friends in the afternoon just to check if the received any letter from abroad, so I can get those lovely stamps. Now is the time to arrange all those stamps properly in my Stamp Album.

When I grew up I started collecting different matchbox covers and everyone in the family helped me to get new matchboxes whenever they went on tours.

I changed my collections hobby from stamps to coins to pencil sharpers, playing card jokers and finally Sport Buttons. This lockdown period is the perfect time to rearrange all my collection and pass on the legacy to my next generation.

Sewing, Painting, Microwave recipes, developing websites, etc are some of our hobbies to name a few. Now in this lockdown period – we can devote appropriate time for our hobbies.


CLUTTER CLEARING ACTIVITIES – To Energize the House with Positive Energy:


During the LockDown period, we may feel stuck or confused. To shift the disorienting Chi Energy of congested household clutter, we can remove anything that we feel extra in the house. Clutter clearing activity brings fresh vibrant and focused energy directly to our home through the expressway. This activity elevates mood and energy level of all family members. We focused on long-pending de-clutter jobs on priority like:


Unwanted Information on External Hard Disk needs to be cleaned. Manage the extra files on my desktop and laptop, Manage the Audio and video files, Clearing pen drives, manage the evergreen


Check all the electric and electronic equipment, wristwatches, wall mounted watches in my home are working – why should we have so many unused or not working items. They always bring negative energy. Discarding old magazines and newspapers, unnecessary copies of bills, bank statements, ATM slips, old Diaries is on priority list. There are plenty of clothes, bed sheets, shoes, utensils and toys which can be removed from our premises.

I read an article somewhere suggesting removing 04 unwanted or not required items, on daily basis and this habit can slowly help us in clearing the clutter in our house.


Being in the transferable Government job, we had many items packed in the cartons from last 10 years, so this is the time to finally open the packets and look inside.

We made 36 drawers for the pigeon cupboard and segregated items. Pictures of before and after completion of work can be seen below :

My Cupboard with Pigeon boxes without drawers

Drawers Made of Empty Carton Boxes – 

Pigeon boxes with drawers

VOLUNTEERING ACTIVITIES – For the Troubled in Disaster:

This is one aspect which comes around whenever we see the suffering of thousands in the newspaper and television. Though we can not do much activity there are ways we can help passively :


We encourage our friends and relatives to download “Arogya Setu” mobile app as requested by the Prime Minister. This App is very useful in getting the correct information on the pandemic as well as “Self Testing” through the app helps the government to take necessary action for our help.


We also encourage the people to donate money in “PM Cares” account. Even a very small donation in the Prime Minister Relief Fund by everybody may help the nation to fight the virus collectively.

My daughter is having her birthday in the last week of this month and we planned to donate some amount in place of other expenses on the birthday.


So how can we initiate to help people. As responsible citizens we never forward fake, hatred or negative videos and SMS on what’s app. We try to share the messages which build hope for the people and are useful. My children have learned to adopt responsible social media and they try to break the link of negative messages.

We also try to pay the salaries of housemaids, vehicle cleaners, scrap collectors, sanitation boy and security people as they are also in lockdown and not able to perform their duties with none of their faults. We need to think about their families too.


Amid all the grief and sorrow, the worst happening to the people around the world, we must not lose hope and surrender to the situation. Let us consider our self as the fighter of the war against human race. Our role as a warrior should be towards nation not to spread the infection by staying at home under locked down, keep the morale of our family members high by engaging them in indoor activities If we are safe with our families by remaining in isolation we can break the link if infection. The ultimate responsibility lies on us all. Be Positive and stay safe.

Praying for everyone to stay healthy and get well soon.

With combined efforts, we shall face this challenge together and evolve as a warrior.

Challenges help us to Grow, to Learn and to become Stronger”.

Warm Regards,

Gaurav Gaur

P.S. Let us fight against COVID-19 by staying at home. “We Can

If you have never failed, you have never been tested, and then you haven’t seen your best yet. A setback is only an opportunity for you to come back stronger – A wise Quote.


Gaurav Gaur


  1. I loved reading this post and it gave me some wonderful ideas to keep the family occupied during this time in history.

    Keeping a schedule is the most important thing that I took away from this post, as you need to have a reason to get up in the morning and something planned for the day ahead, otherwise, you end up watching all the negativity on TV all day, and this is not a good place to be in mentally at the moment.

    I also loved your pigeon hole idea. Did you make the last set of drawers yourself or did you purchase them?

    • Hi, Michel.

      Thanks for the encouragement. That’s how each family member helps each other by motivating. Hope we come out of this Pendamic as soon as possible. Until then, we have to remain behind the doors for our safety.

      We already had the Pigeon Hole cupboard with us for a long time, but it was a total mess. While cleaning the room my wife gave the idea to renovate it. All the family members took part in preparing Drawers out of empty carton boxes lying in the store. The final product was really awesome, so I included it in my blog.

      By the way, it took six days by four of us to prepare the drawers. Thumbs up to my daughters.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  2. Hello,

    I want to send you some warmth and Aloha from Hawaii. I hope you and your family are doing okay and enjoying your time together during this pandemic.

    Lucky we have our online business to rely on though right? This is definitely the best time to scale up even more. In times of crisis there is opportunity, so I hope you are taking advantage of that.

    Many people out there who need help and we can provide our services to help them.

    In your blog, I love how you organized the activities and plan for your days.

    I think that’s great and provides some sort of sanity during quarantine.

    Take care and thank you for sharing your ways to beat the lockdown blues. 🙂

    • Hi, Lorenz.

      Thanks for stopping by and encouraging me.

      We all are healthy at this moment and wish for everybody to be safe during this pandemic.

      Hope you are taking good care by staying at home. 

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  3. Beating the lockdown blues is imperative for us all, and to create a schedule as you have done is a fantastic way of keeping some sort of order and timeline to each day. I agree we should all take time for each element that you have mentioned, work, exercise, play, learn, relax are all very important features that we need to include in the structure of our days and weeks. Observing them and using a schedule such as yours helps us to keep the blues and stress at bay.

    I love dancing by the way and yoga is my go to for stretching lethargic muscles and for relaxing. I try to practice mindfulness too, as much as possible during these difficult weeks.

    Thank you Gaurav

    • Hi, Louise.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      During this pandemic period, it is our moral duty to keep the society safe and the only way out is to stay inside.

      Watching people against lockdown is very painful and we can imagine the result of it which is horrifying. Sensible people like you can definitely encourage people around them to own the responsibility towards the nation and stay safe at home.

      Dancing-Yoga-and practising Mindfulness is too good to adopt. Cheer up and wish for the safety of all.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  4. Great ideas for keeping the family busy, entertained and productive during this global pandemic. My household consists of just my wife and myself these days as we have become empty-nesters. I’m doing my best to finally put the time and effort into growing an online presence and business. My wife spends her day tidying up, reaching out to relatives especially the older ones and planning/preparing meals. Funny, in our pre-pandemic lives we would look forward to finding time to do exactly these things… now we struggle with them and long for the hustle and bustle of our old lives…. will it ever be the same?

    • Dear Bob,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views.

      Definitely, it is going to over. It is a matter of time as every night has the following day. We will see the rising sun only if we take care of ourselves and stay behind the doors.

      Hope you and your wife will make it a success. All the Best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  5. With the happenings of this present pandemic, fear, anxiety and boredom has been the order of the day for so many. It’s really very important we all learn to beat the lockdown blues. Thanks for sharing this article it will serve as a guide to those who do not know or have to do at as a result of the lockdown. For me I have taken this lockdown as a huge advantage to give in enough time to my online business and build it to a better one. We basically engage in workouts in the early morning and then I face my online business and there after I relax.

    • Hi, Sheddy.

      It was very encouraging to know that you are taking full advantage of this period.

      Believe me, when we come out of this period, we all shall be having a lot of success stories to tell. That day is not very far. Thanks for your encouraging words. Please keep motivating the people around you.

      All the Best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  6. I really like how you include the whole family during the workout time and stress busters. Having your daughter be the trainer is a great idea. You are showing them how to handle a crisis positively. This is inspirational. In my house we are trying to do something similar but it doesn’t always work. I think if everyone has a specific role to play then that could help. I am going to ask my daughter to be our trainer for a few days.

    • Hi, Julian.

      That’s a Great Idea. Your daughter will love this opportunity. Ask her to search 05 workouts for 10 minutes each. Then discuss with all the family and choose one for the next 01 week. 

      The little trainer will play the video on mobile/laptop and suggest when to start and when to take rest. It will be real fun.

      All the Best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  7. I am very positively impressed by the extent of organization that you have brought to this situation. Your article is very thorough in covering all aspects of family life and how we should be paying attention to all of these areas so that we are all nourished in a holistic way. I could certainly use more attention in the de-cluttering department. Unfortunately, though I am also working from home my job is very active and if anything it has become difficult to draw boundaries between work time and non-work time. Strangely I am finding that without the routine of a daily train commute I am not reading as much as I was, though like you I am using much of my available time to build out my website. One positive change that I have introduced is regular board games on the weekends with our daughter. This is working very well and proving to be a lot of fun for all of us. This is a very comprehensive and timely article and I wish you and your family well. Best wishes, Andy 

    • Hello Andy.

      It’s nice to know that you have active work from home job. 

      That way you need to take care of family members only as your work schedule may be having a lot of office work to do and there is no problem on how to pass the time. I would suggest to limit your official work into office hours only and utilise balance time with the family members. Ultimately you are working for them and this period is an opportunity for all of us to be more closer with our loved ones.

      Hope, we all shall beat the lockdown blues together in harmony.

      Warm Regards, Gaurav Gaur

  8. Thanks for your great ideas to keep us occupied during this time of uncertainty, we all need some motivation and guidance to keep us going. I like the ideas that involve keeping the family united together and not let everyone drift apart too much, it’s during times like this that we need each other to stay strong.

    Personaly two things I have found that really help me through all this is working out with weights which is something that my wife and I can do together and the other thing is writing, as a blogger this has given me plenty of time to put together some ideas that have been brewing up in my mind.

    • Hi, Neil.

      Thanks for going through the post and share your views and happy to know that it could help you a bit. 

      We all need motivation and anything that can keep the spark live is welcome. I would suggest doing anything that can surprise your wife – one surprise every day will ignite the action and this lockdown period will pass like air.

      All the best and wishing happy moments for new ideas of your blogging.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  9. Very educative post that everyone needs to read in this lockdown period. Research shows a good immune system can fight against all ailments and staying one place doing nothing detoriate the immune system. Your plans to me example walking, dance, family outing etc are things that we all to consider to boost our healthy life, do after the lockdown we can still come out healthy and strong. Thanks for sharing, very helpful. 

    • Hi, Friend.

      Thanks for stopping by and spreading the words of love. It was nice to know that my post was a bit of help to you.

      Utilise this period with the family and focus on all aspects of health – mental, spiritual and physical.

      Hope you are safe with the family members.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  10. Hi Gaurav, in which part of India are your situated? I have read on the news that your country has quite severe lock down rules. I’m glad, that this would slow down the spread of the virus.

    I’m from South Africa, and we’ve JUST entered Stage-4 of the lock down period. That means that some people will be able to return to work tomorrow.

    What are the conditions of your lock down rules?

    When it started in our country, it seemed that it was going to take forever, but we’ve just finished with five weeks of lock down, and it was really not so bad after all.

    All the best!


    • Hi, Andre.

      It’s great to know that you have entered in the Stage-4 and will be returning to work tomorrow.

      We are staying in the South region at ‘Hyderabad – the city of Perls’. As compared with the 1.3 billion population of India, we have 40,000 positive cases and 11,000 recovered. Our Green Zones will be functional from 7th May, but Orange and Red Zones will be under strict locked down. 

      Hope this period of lockdown will be over soon – Globally.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  11. Hi, Thank you so very much for all the wonderful information provided on Beating the Lockdown blues. The lockdown period is actually a time to learn something really new. We really have to learn to divide our day into parts and think of when to do what. I like the online business thing, fun time with the family, and also time to learn new things.

    • Hi, Joy.

      It was nice to see that you got a few ideas to organise your time during the lockdown.  

      Once you start working on your ideas you will have plentiful of pending works which need your attention. Take the help of your family members/ friends and involve everybody to complete the work as a fun activity.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  12. Hi Mr. Gaur,

    A lot of suggestions for the readers and lots of activities for yourself. It’s great to know that you could manage the lockdown period so organized way!

    One thing I must mention, you are lucky about:

    1. You are with your family in this long lockdown. Many people who are residing abroad or in other states/provinces, get completely detached from their family. It’s sad for them all.

    2. Your sector is providing you a work from the home offer, which my sector is not allowing anymore (it’s pharma). At this stage when COVID-19 is spreading every day it’s absolutely safe to work from home.

    I’m inspired by your online business idea. This is the perfect time to build up an online business, especially for those who get a lot of time at the home.

    Hope for the best. Hope we’ll get a better world soon where human and wild both will song together. After all the earth is for all.

    • Hello, Dr SD.

      It was great to learn that I could inspire you a bit.

      Mother earth is able to breathe once again and I consider this pandemic as the learning lesson for humanity to give and understand the value of nature and its free resources. Hope we will learn the lesson of respect to life.

      As you correctly said, we are fortunate enough that we are very much safe and working from home (basically no much office work). My daughter is part of COVID-19 R&D Team in a respected Research lab and can sense how much pressure is these on these young scientists.

      Hope to get a solution soon and pray for the fellow citizens to overcome this tough time safely. 

      Stay Safe & be blessed.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  13. Amazing! your Post said it all. Whether with or without Children at home, the situation is the same all over the World. Though I am in the essential services, there isn’t fun at all. With the school shutdown, the children must be engaged. Your concepts of “beating the  lockdown blue” is indeed a great and workable approach. Focusing on just two of activities is enough to beat the boredom created by the Pandemic. Thank for taking out time to research and share with us.

    • Hi, Kingsking.

      Thanks for going through the post. It is sad to know that you are facing so many challenges. Being in the 
      ‘Essential Services’ at this moment is a Great Service you are doing for the community. Hats off to you.

      Hope your children are engaged in few of the activities I mentioned in the post.

      Best wishes and Stay Safe. This period too will pass soon.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  14. Hello, thank you so much for such a very constructive post, Everything one areound the world right now is facing the impact of this pandemic in one way or the other, and a lot of people are loosing it already, thank you for your insights on how to beat the lock down blues, for this period that I am at home I would want to take an online course on affiliate marketing and according to your post you are are a student of wealthy affiliate, how can I be a part of wealthy affiliate? and I will appreciate if you can give me the prones and cons of wealthy affiliate.

  15. Hey nice article you have there, indeed useful especially in this pandemic period. There are questions that seeks for answers to me, about you developing your website at wealthy affiliate, how can I become a member to develop my website in other for me to start an online business, what is the cost to sign up, if there is any ?. I truly needs to make proper use of my time during this period.

    • Hi, Edahnewton.

      Thanks, you appreciated my thoughts and the post was useful for you. During this pandemic, the best way to stay safe is by obeying the rules of lockdown. 

      You can certainly use this period to develop your website with Wealthy Affiliate for FREE of cost. Please refer to the review I have written recently- to get all the details on how to make money :

      Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020: https://gauravsearnmoneyandmot

      All the best wishes.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  16. Superb ideas ?
    Your article touched my heart. Very innovative ideas.
    Hope we shall be out of LockDown soon. Wish for the wellbeing of everyone.

    • Thanks, you liked my post.
      Let us be safe and stay at home. Wish you all the best to beat lockdown blues.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  17. Hi Sir,
    Very insightful and motivating article in these tough times of an aggressive pandemic lurking to attack anyone within its vicinity. I sincerely appreciate your style of writing as to anything more than 15 to 20 line makes me leave it in the middle, but your way of the presentation made me go through the entire article.
    Thank you and Regards,

    • Hi, Sreenivas.
      I was delighted to learn that my article motivated you a bit.
      As you correctly said, writing is an art and it can be acquired through little practice. Truly speaking, I was a bad writer before some time but with meaningful lessons at Wealthy Affiliate University, I learned and practised how to pen down my ideas on a sheet. My learning is still on.
      Wish you all the best. Stay Safe.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  18. Hi!
    What an inspiring post!
    Its really important to realize the importance of love and togetherness among family during this lockdown to fight this pandemic.
    I really appreciate how you & your family members are indulged in various home activities!
    The idea of creating cupboard is really creative! Well done!
    Wishing you a happy life ahead!
    With regards,
    Namami Gaur

  19. A wonderful and inspiring post. I believe that everyday during this period (even otherwise) is a lesson to remember forever. Glad that I came across this post. It has become my today’s lesson!

    • Hello, Gokulan Guru.
      Thanks for stopping by and going through the post. Nice to hear that it inspired you a bit.
      It’s the quality of a good human being to learn from everyday’ incidences – in bits and pieces. This learning mindset make us different from the crowd. As wisely quoted by someone “Go the extra mile in learning – it is never crowded”.
      Wishing you all the best to beat lockdown blues. Stay Safe.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  20. One great article on how to beating Lock down time. Covid-19 is really a great threat to the mankind of the world. We really need to maintain many things to prevent Covid-19. But, as well we need to focus in our income stream also. All of us know that due to Covid the entire world economy is in slowdown. Many people will lose their jobs. So, we need to change our profession according to time. As per my opinion, the online market place is there to survive. So we can take many home based activities like affiliate marketing, online coaching, dorpship etc,

    One great thank you for such wonderful informative post.

    • Hi, Himbru.

      Your feelings are quite the same as global feelings on the disrupted income stream. We shall learn alternative methods to earn a regular income as this is the need of time. Affiliate marketing is one of the best choices. 

      Read my review on one of such program here – Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 and Bonus.

      Wish you all the best and stay safe.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  21. What a great article! I was really feeling the blues here!  It is so uplifting reading all your ideas to how to get busy while staying at home. You are really creative. We all need to follow your advice. How long have the curfew lasted in India? I think you are lucky who can have a home office and earn money from home. It is the best thing to do in this situation. I think you did a good decision choosing Wealthy Affiliate. It is a well known blueprint for success if you follow the training. It takes time depending on your own activity and niche. Wishing you much success!

    • Hello, Hilde.

      Thanks, I could uplift your mood and bring some cheers in the lockdown blues. The situation makes us think out of the box and sometimes we find jewels on the way. Hope you will be out of the blues soon.

      The curfew is still on but in Red Zone only. Orange and Green zones are at ease with limited movement.

      Wishing all the best and stay safe.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  22. Helloo dear, thanks for sharing these information with us, was actually doing some research online when I saw your post, am Really glad that you and your family are okay, the truth about these covid 19 situation is no one knows what to actually do apart from self isolation, so I am asking do you think these covid 19 will go away

    • Hi, Skuchmane.

      Why do you think that this pandemic will stay? 

      Sure my friend, like all odds this phase will also pass soon. See, every night has a day. The night might be long but we shall surely have our light. Stay motivated and take care of your family and friends.

      Best wishes and stay safe.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  23. hi great article I think you put it well about having times for everything and even looking after our mental health. It would be very easy for someone to sit at home doing nothing feeling depressed about everything thats happening and even eating and drinking too much, Its important to keep ourselves busy and have some sort of daily routine, we are all in this together after all.

    • Hi, DJ Mc.

      Nice to know that you got inspired by my article.

      Together we can fight this pandemic and stay safe at home. Hope few of my tips will freshen up your mood.

      All the best wishes.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  24. Hi, Namami.
    Thanks for sharing your views. Getting support from family during such pandemic is very motivating. You need to be the cataphor for the right mindset. Be the source of positivity around you!
    Stay Safe and take utmost care.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  25. Dear Sir,
    Thank you so very much for all the wonderful information provided on Beating the Lockdown Blues. The lockdown period is actually giving us the opportunity to learn something new. We really have to learn to divide our day into parts and think of when to do what. I like the online business thing, fun time with the family, and also time to learn new things.

    • Hi, Rajesh.
      It was nice to know that you liked the post.
      The best thing we can do during this pandemic is to keep ourself safe and our families motivated in all aspects. Learning will be a bonus out of blues. So be motivated and stay safe.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  26. Dear sir
    It’s really important to realize the importance of love and togetherness among family during this lockdown to fight the pandemic. I really appreciate how you and your family members are indulged in various home activities!
    The idea of creating cupboard is really creative! Well done!
    Wishing you a happy life ahead!
    With regards,
    Naveen Sharma

    • Hello, Naveen.
      There are moments in life when we are too busy to take care of our families. We often take their love as granted. This is the time when you can stop and pay your gratitude to all your loved ones, family and friends.
      Thanks for appreciating my work as it could motivate you a bit.
      Be happy and stay safe.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

    • Hi, Dr Bharat.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. With each day, the pandemic is increasing and our hope becomes to tramble. But the COVID Warriors are doing a great job to instil a big motivation among us.
      Thanks to all the medic staff doing a marvellous job.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  27. I have read the article and it’s too awesome, the time when I started reading it’s becoming more and more interesting line by line after that and there are many tremendous things which anyone or rather I would say everyone can follow to fight against this dangerous pandemic virus during the time of lockdown and the article also helps how to keep self motivated and dedicated towards our work without getting bored just by sitting in our house.

    I’m really glad and grateful to you sir, that you shared the article with me and I got the opportunity to read it as well.

    I felt really excited after reading it and I’ll also apply the things which are mentioned in the article in order to attain peaceful and fruitful lifestyle.


    Abhishek Singh

    • Hi, Abhishek.
      It was great to know that you liked the ideas and got motivated. Now is the action time, so let us fight with pandemic and do our best to be safe.
      That’s all we can do for our loved ones.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  28. Well the corona virus pandemic is something that has put the whole world ono slow motion. What bugs me the most is that companies are laying off workers left, right and center like they are the cause of the pandemic. Staying indoors all day is very tiring especially if you live all by yourself just like me. Depression is slowly starting to set in in the case of some. What can one do to avoid not slipping into depression at these times? 

    • Hi Sam.

      There are always two perspectives to look at a situation like a half-filled glass. You consider it as half-filled or half empty. Being the head of the family and the owner of resolving the problem, we must consider the glass as half-filled. So there is something at hand to start with.

      Please don’t lose hope, as this night too will pass for a better sunny day tomorrow.

      Be motivated. All the best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  29. Wow, great write up. I have to say this is exactly the right time for people to look inside and fix a lot of things. There are things we wanted to do that we couldn’t because of time, now we have time. 

    There are so many positive ways to handle the look down. Instead of sitting at home and whining or feeding our midset with negative things from the news. We could channel that energy to achieving something positive. 

    Thanks for sharing the different ways we can utilize our time during this lockdown. I am sure most people are already tired of the lockdown and are in desperate need of ideas. This will definitely be a lot of help.

    • Hi, Manuel.

      These were sincere and motivating words. I loved the positive attitude you have shown towards the ongoing situation as it is all in the mindset. Humanity has been through many dangers in the past and every time it evolved even stronger. So we shall overcome through this dark phase too. Let us all keep our morale high and take maximum precautions to beat the virus.

      All the Best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur 

  30. Very nice blog.  It sounds like you have a very busy schedule and that’s good because it keeps you from having too much time to get bored.  I particularly enjoyed the paragraph about your 13 year old daughter being a strict trainer for your family.  I could almost envision a young lady telling her family to “keep it going” during exercising.  I also enjoyed the paragraph about you working from home and that your family is in full cooperation, including fielding phone calls.  I’d love to have that kind of cooperation even when I’m IN the office.  My question is do you think that even after the pandemic has eased and people are allowed to be out more often, that your family will keep up with some of things you are now doing to make your daily lives more enjoyable?  My fear is that although families have grown closer, or have learned to appreciate the family they can’t see right now, that once things go back to “normal” that everything will be forgotten.

    • Hello, Lisa.

      Thanks for your very encouraging words. It was great to know that you liked the theme.

      As you have questioned about the continuation of the same schedule after the lockdown ends, I have a gut feeling that my family members will continue it. The reason is that they have learnt to enjoy the NOW moments, which we have often forgotten in the journey with electronic gadgets.

      Maybe its good for us and I hope this bonding and work schedule will flourish.

      Please take care of your health and be safe.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  31. Hello there, thanks for sharing this beautiful content here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your article as it contains valuable information’s one might need in this period of crisis. In order to over come this whole pandemic we have to go on lock down and this is most likely stressful for us as we cannot bear staying indoors anymore, i think these tips listed out here would be of great help for everyone. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hi, Philebur.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your kind words.

      I would feel most happy if my article will be able to bring a slight motivational uplift in the mood of your family members. Looking forward to a more positive Philebur with a very healthy and happy family. 

      Please take care and adopt all precautions necessary to beat Covid-19. All the best.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  32. Thank you sir, for sharing this article with me I’m really inspired and motivated by reading such a nice and wonderful article.
    I’m glad and happy to know these creative ideas for coping up ourselves easily during the lockdown just by doing these extremely organized activities.
    All the activities which are been mentioned are truly exciting and tremendous as I have already started to follow the same.

    Abhishek Singh

    • Hello, Abhishek.
      Friends are there to take us along towards the journey of success, let it be on the path of joy or challenges. I hope that together we can come out of pandemic with our loved ones and lead a normal life when it is over.
      By that time, keep motivated and be safe.
      All the best.
      Warm Regards,
      Gaurav Gaur

  33. This is something I’m going to incorporate into my daily regime because like you said its very hard to ignore the obvious of what’s happening around us in the world. I come from South Africa where we have a lot of people who live in low standard housing and cant afford any healthcare let alone they don’t have jobs anymore because they aren’t allowed to work.

    But doing stuff like dancing as you mentioned is something I’m going to try. It heightens my mood and serotonin. I have already started creating a online business for myself which I hope will grow in the near future.

    Thank you for this post, I hope a lot more people will read it !

    • Hi, Taine.

      It is difficult to see a lot of people suffering with the effects of the pandemic – directly or indirectly. I am so sorry to learn that you are staying in such conditions.

      If any of my words motivated you then I will feel really blessed. I can always pray that we get the cure of the virus as soon as possible. Please take care of your health and stay safe.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur

  34. This is a very all- inclusive, detailed list of how to maneuver in this time that is common to us all. Although the lockdown started out with us wondering how we would survive the boredom and the financial challenges, I see where a lot of good continues to emerge from it. the main one is the family time. We have never had so much time together and we are learning even more about each other. I have also grown with my scheduled quiet times and watching church services online. I am still decluttering and I am exercising with YouTube. Within the first 2 weeks of lockdown I thought I was going to go bunkers with all the bad news . I developed the habit of no news in the morning, and spending the day actively work on my to do list. I only found out about what was happening in the world on the evening news. This helped my focus. Thank you for sharing all these tips.

    • Hi, JJ.

      I am really impressed with your motivation. We need to be tough during this period of chaos. We can not control the world but we can definitely choose the best out of available choices. When there is no go, why to choose negativity and increase its circle. Let us choose positivity as it will take us to miles and we shall be able to defeat the virus.

      All the very best, and always stay safe.

      Warm Regards,

      Gaurav Gaur.

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